Welcome to Narnia


I went for a very foggy walk on Mt. Tabor in Portland last Monday and had lots of fun with my cameras! Here is one of my shots. I also brought along my new Canon EOS Elan ii. I am running a roll of black and white film through it to make sure it is working properly. I really can’t wait to see the results of those photos as well.

This photo, delightfully, has made Explore on Flickr. The last I checked it was #75. I know. I am a dork. It’s a nice ego boost. What can I say. It’s also nice that something other than over processed HDR makes it into Flickr Explore once in awhile. Power to the Pinhole!

Camera: Zero 2000
Exposure time: 1 minute 15 seconds
Film: Fuji Velvia 50
Pinhole: 0.18mm
Focal Length: 25mm
ISO: 50
Aperture: f138
Dev: C-41 by Lab x-proed
Scan: Epson V500