Yesterday I learned that some of my pinhole photography friends started a podcast! It's called The Pinhole Podcast and you can listen here. I listened to the whole thing this morning and really enjoyed it. I know these guys from the online world so it was fantastic to put voices to the names. I learned lots, just from this first podcast and it had me thinking about my own pinhole photography - something I will probably blather on about in later posts after my thoughts have percolated for a bit.
As a way of introduction, they discussed how they got started in pinhole photography. This discussion inspired me to post my first pinhole photo, which you can see above. It is a photo of the park near my house. i shoot this scene quite often with many different cameras.
The pinhole camera I used was a cardboard box that I made myself from a kit.
I came to pinhole photography the same way I come to many other things in my life - procrastination. It started with a seed planted 7 years ago. My Spokane Flickr friend, Nick, was shooting pinhole way back in the olden days of digital photography. I remember seeing a photo he took at Glacier Park and I was completely blown away. It looked like something out of a dream. I was so immersed in digital photography I didn't really know what to with pinhole so I filed it away in my brain. That seed sat there for years and years and years. 4 years ago my husband bought me a pinhole camera kit for valentines day and I remembered this little seed. I read the instructions over and over again and was overwhelmed by them so I put the box in the closet where it sat for three years. Then the time came. I took the box out last April and I put the cardboard camera together and I took the camera out for a spin. I found out later that World Pinhole Photography Day was two weeks later! So I took it out for a spin again. Unfortunately the Oregon Rain was too much for it and it pretty much dissolved after two outings.
The rest is history! I took a class in June and I haven't been able to stop thinking about pinhole ever since.
That's my pinhole story.