A couple of weeks ago I was on a mission. This mission involved visiting all of the thrift and antique stores in Sandy to find this thing I was looking for. I didn't find what I was looking for in the thrift stores but I found a lot of other great things. I found lots and lots of old cameras. I resisted temptation for most of it but this one I had to buy. To my credit, I waited an entire day to let it simmer before I went back to the Goodwill to buy this old camera. It is a Keystone Pocketflash 106 and I picked it up for $2.99. I decided I needed it because several months ago I accidentally bought<a href="http://shop.lomography.com/us/films/110-film" target="_blank"> 110 film from Lomography</a>. I thought it might be fun to use it. I bought a film called <a href="http://shop.lomography.com/us/films/110-film/lobster-110-redscale" target="_blank">Lobster Redscale</a>.
I can't express how giddy it makes me to hold this camera in my hands. I had one very similar to this when I was a kid, it was the camera I cut my teeth on. I took photos of everything with it! It was a blast to play around with this. It even has a flash! I am a happy girl.
The photos are terrible quality, as they always have been with these types of cameras but, still. There are a few from the roll that are passable. These I took at <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_Park,_Portland,_Oregon" target="_blank">Cathedral Park</a> in Portland, Oregon.