I am completely fascinated by portrait photography. When I look at a portrait I often wonder what the person's story is, what are they thinking when the photo is being snapped. I have come to believe that portraits are a reflection of the photographer, in many ways. A portrait almost says more about the person taking the photo than the person themselves. Or maybe it says something about the story between the photographer and the subject. Maybe? I haven't quite worked out what I think about all of this, but you can see that portrait photography makes me think.
For the past couple of years I have been very inspired by some talented photographer friends (Josh and Brendan, I'm looking at you). It's been really fun to watch their portrait projects take shape as they both have developed their style. It has made me want to try it myself. I am kind of shy though, so it's been hard for me to begin. It's very, very difficult for me to ask people if I can take their portrait. My experience so far has been with people asking me to take their portrait first, and not the other way around. With this last roll of film I thought I would step a little bit out of my comfort zone. Last week my husband and I visited his family in California for his mom's 70th birthday and I thought this would be a wonderful time to capture his family on film. Lucky for me, they were very happy to oblige!

As I mentioned, I am fascinated by what the person might be thinking when their picture is snapped. So when I take someone's picture I often ask them to think about something that makes them very happy. I don't ask them what they were thinking, that's between themselves and their own brain. But It's nice to see their happy expression. Sometimes I am a little too shy to ask this because I don't know what the person will think about such a personal question.

I think it's a little easier to ask children than adults.

I love this photo of Sophia because it was her idea!
I had a lot of fun with this. I hope I can get over my shyness and try again soon. I think I really like taking photos of kids the best. I love their expressions. I am trying to decide what my style is - I think I like getting in close and focusing in on the face and the eyes the best. I need to play more, though, to really figure it all out.
These were shot using my Canon EOS 650 on Fuji Neopan 400.