I am back from Amsterdam and had an unforgettable week there. I am still trying to process it all. I've been enjoying going through all of the photos I took. I thought I'd get back into my blogging routine by posting my submission for WPPD. Here is a shot of our group in the Jenever bar Inge took us to. This was exposed for about 30 minutes with my Zero 2000 using Ektar. It was hard to choose just one but I picked this one because for me the highlight of the day - and the trip - was meeting this fine group of folks. Pinhole people are the best!
I'll write more about my trip in the coming days. I have lots of great photos to share.
Alex wrote a great post about our day on his blog Pinholista.
You should also check out the WPPD gallery from our group at the pinholday website.