One Pinhole A Day
Day 29
Camera: Zero 45 (25mm)
Film: Delta 100
Exposure time: 34 seconds
Date: Nov 27, 2016
One Pinhole A Day
Day 29
Camera: Zero 45 (25mm)
Film: Delta 100
Exposure time: 34 seconds
Date: Nov 27, 2016
One Pinhole A Day
Day 23
Camera: Zero 45 (25mm)
Film: Illford Delta 100
Exposure time: 1 minute 39 seconds
Stand developed for 1 hour in Adonal.
Date: Nov 21, 2016
Camera: Zero 2000
Film: Portra 160
Exposure time: 1 minute 33 seconds
Date: Nov 7, 2016
Camera: Zero 45 (25mm)
Film: Illford Delta 100
Stand developed for 1 hour with Adonal.
Exposure time: 5 seconds
Date: October 31, 2016
It's been almost a month since I announced I was starting this project and I finally have some results to share!
This was taken the day before Halloween in a local pumpkin orchard.
Camera: Zero 45 on the 25mm configuration.
Film: Illford Delta 100
Stand Developed for 1 hour in Adonal
Exposure time: 11 seconds
Date: October 30, 2016
Hello again! We are on to day 2 of the Nature Image Challenge! How about some color today? The following photo was taken with my Terrapin Bijou and Ektar. This was made up at the Salmon River on Mt. Hood.
I started a "Sheet A Day" pinhole project a couple of months ago, in which I shoot one sheet of 4x5 film a day in my Zero 4x5. I want to really get to know this camera and I thought this would be an interesting practice to help me with that. I have been enjoying the project for the most part! I did finally run out of steam last week on day 46 though. But I kept on going anyway.
As I go develop the photos i do a rough scan with my iphone and a light-box to see what they look like. I am uploading them all on my Flickr here (If you are interested in seeing them let me know. we will need to be Flickr contacts. They are not fit for public consumption!) It has given me time to decide which ones I want to scan on the V700 at Newspace.
This is one that I really liked. I feel like there is something here, but am not sure what that "something" is. I like what is going on with the pears, for example. I like the sort of mundane self portrait in the background. I feel like there might be a project in here somewhere. I just need to suss it out somehow...
I have been spending a lot of quality time with my Zero 45 lately. A few weeks ago I took it up to The Witches Castle in Portland and shot several frames with both 4x5 and 120 film. I thought it would be interesting to shoot the same scene, one with no extension frame (25mm) and one with 1 extension frame (50mm). I was actually quite shocked when I saw the results. It's crazy how wide the 25mm configuration is compared to the 50mm. In the photos below my camera is in the exact same spot. The only change was the extra frame. The photo on the left is the 25mm configuration. The photo on the right, the 50mm configuration. I actually like the one on the left better. It is more interesting to me.
Swimmers at Trillium Lake
I am humbled and honored to have been chosen by Herschel Pollard (AKA Square Peg Pinhole) to be one of the pinhole photographers to represent the Pacific Northwest of the USA in his Next Best Thing Pinhole Project. You can read more about the project at the website. Here is my submission for the Summer/Landscape image. It was taken up at Trillium Lake a few weeks ago. Visit the blog entry for more info about it.