Next Best Thing Pinhole Project

Swimmers at Trillium Lake

I am humbled and honored to have been chosen by Herschel Pollard (AKA Square Peg Pinhole) to be one of the pinhole photographers to represent the Pacific Northwest of the USA in his Next Best Thing Pinhole Project.  You can read more about the project at the website. Here is my  submission for the Summer/Landscape image. It was taken up at Trillium Lake a few weeks ago. Visit the blog entry for more info about it.

New Dawn

New Dawn

Here is another photo taken with my Zero 45, this time using a Graflex "23" 120 roll back and Velvia film. This is the first time I have actually used slide film for it's intended purpose and not cross processed it. I really love the results. I have always kind of been afraid of it, especially with pinhole, because I know it is less forgiving than color negative film. But I'm glad I took a chance with it.

I am still struggling with this camera's wide angle. It's hard to wrap my head around it.  




Taken on a foggy day at Mt Tabor in Portland Oregon. You could barely see the reservoir. Here is another image taken at the same time with an SLR. I kind of like whatever is going on with the numbers here. I am not sure what happened. The film was expired. It was a happy accident. 

Camera: Zero 2000
Exposure time:15 seconds
Film: Fuji Velvia 50
Pinhole: 0.18mm
Focal Length: 25mm
ISO: 50
Aperture: f138
Dev: C-41 by Lab x-proed
Scan: Epson V500